Via Ferrata dei Finanzieri
Ascent height difference
Ferrata height difference
3 hours
July -October
The Ferrata dei Finanzieri climbs the NW Face of the Colac. This mountain, seen from Canzei in the early morning light, is not particularly attractive and some even consider it repulsive. The ferrata however leads up to its summit and one of the most spectacular views onto the Marmolada and the Sella massif. Technically speaking the section at half-height up steep, stepped terrain is the most demanding both physically and mentally and should pose no particular problems as the ferrata is well-equipped throughout.
Getting there
From Canazei in Val di Fassa drive to Alba and the cable car Funivia del Ciampac. Take this to the top at 2170m. Access
From the cable car descend along the piste east to a small artificial lake. Walk up the opposite slope along a narrow path past hairpin bends to the start and the first cables (15 mins). Itinerary
The ferrata begins immediately with an equipped section that leads to a path which continues leftwards to the base of a large sloping ramp directly beneath a steep vertical face. Climb up the ramp, keeping close to the wall: the ramp poses no particular difficulties but is covered in rubble and scree. After a short descent climb up a steeper section that leads to the ferrata’s crux. Ascend this difficult, vertical face via a series of stepped terrain (well-equipped). The face soon levels out and the ferrata continues more easily over less demanding terrain. A steep section leads to the final gully and then, leftwards, to the finishing crest. Follow this directly to the summit. Descent
From the summit scramble down the SE face past sections equipped with cables. The route now leads pleasantly onto the Ciampac face before descending steeply (cables) onto the Contrin face. Traverse beneath beautiful yellow/grey limestone towers and descend a gully on its right to the metal cables. A nice path now traverses at altitude before rising up to Forcia Neigra at 2509m and then descending quickly SW to Ciampac. Gear
Normal via ferrata kit. Maps/Bibliography
Via Ferratas of the Italian Dolomites: Vol 1 by John Smith and Graham Fletcher. Cicerone Press 2002 Difficulty
Mid-grade, well-equipped itinerary up not particularly steep terrain. The crux is a stepped vertical 40m face at about half-height that requires care and attention as, just like the descent, it is exposed to falling rocks.
From Canazei in Val di Fassa drive to Alba and the cable car Funivia del Ciampac. Take this to the top at 2170m. Access
From the cable car descend along the piste east to a small artificial lake. Walk up the opposite slope along a narrow path past hairpin bends to the start and the first cables (15 mins). Itinerary
The ferrata begins immediately with an equipped section that leads to a path which continues leftwards to the base of a large sloping ramp directly beneath a steep vertical face. Climb up the ramp, keeping close to the wall: the ramp poses no particular difficulties but is covered in rubble and scree. After a short descent climb up a steeper section that leads to the ferrata’s crux. Ascend this difficult, vertical face via a series of stepped terrain (well-equipped). The face soon levels out and the ferrata continues more easily over less demanding terrain. A steep section leads to the final gully and then, leftwards, to the finishing crest. Follow this directly to the summit. Descent
From the summit scramble down the SE face past sections equipped with cables. The route now leads pleasantly onto the Ciampac face before descending steeply (cables) onto the Contrin face. Traverse beneath beautiful yellow/grey limestone towers and descend a gully on its right to the metal cables. A nice path now traverses at altitude before rising up to Forcia Neigra at 2509m and then descending quickly SW to Ciampac. Gear
Normal via ferrata kit. Maps/Bibliography
Via Ferratas of the Italian Dolomites: Vol 1 by John Smith and Graham Fletcher. Cicerone Press 2002 Difficulty
Mid-grade, well-equipped itinerary up not particularly steep terrain. The crux is a stepped vertical 40m face at about half-height that requires care and attention as, just like the descent, it is exposed to falling rocks.
27/08/2007 daniele valtancoli
Non è sicuramente una delle cime più conosciute, ma dalla cima del Colac c'è un panorama di tutto rispetto, prima fra tutte la Sud della Marmolada!La ferrata in sè ha alcuni punti un pò " particolari " sia per la scivolosità in alcuni punti, che per le scale strapiombanti.Non lunghissima ma nel suo complesso interessante per la varieta di alcuni passaggi.
09/07/2007 Sabrina
Personalmente l'ho trovata una ferrata bellissima, abbastanza dura, soprattutto se si sale con la concezione di non usare il cavo. Il problema della caduta dei sassi è reale, impossibile non farne cadere, ma per fortuna non c'era gente. Il panorama in vetta è stupendo! La discesa è semplice, e in parte attrezzata ma non da sottovalutare, è molto facile scivolare a causa dei detriti.
18/09/2006 Francesco Sensi
Bella ferrata non molto difficile, mediameante impegnativa.Bello il panorama anche se per le condizioni meteo non erano otttimali.Senza dubbio da consigliare.Interessante anche il primo tratto di canalone attrezzato per la discesa
11/07/2005 Lorenzo Pedron
Percorso sicuramente suggestivo e nello tempo divertente. Io però la classifecherei come ferrata DIFFICILE anzichè MEDIA, buona parte della roccia è infatti un po' viscida (non è la classica ed aderente dolomia) e ricordo anche un passaggio piuttosto atletico sui pioli. La vista dalla cima in compenso è grandiosa. La discesa è piuttosto ripida e stretta quindi occhio alle ginoccia!
Ascent height difference
Ferrata height difference
3 hours
July -October
Routes in the same mountain group