Via Decima - Pala delle Masenade

Via Decima (also referred to as Colatoio nero, black streak) follows a beautiful grey corner and then continues up the long black steak, solid and full of holds. The climbing is fun, varied and often airy, but always offers good holds just when you need them. The only drawback is the lack of a proper summit. Avoid this route after rain.
Reach Passo Duran, which connects the Agordo valley with Valzoldana.
AccessFrom Passo Duran walk up the path and forest road to Rifugio Carestiato. From the hut continue to the start of Via Ferrata Costantini and head left along the path towards Rifugio Vazzoler. Pass beneath the steep face and before the two pillars abandon the path and scramble up the scree to a col a few meters from the face. Traverse across grass slope to the base of the route, located on a grey slab to the right of the obbious corner.
DescentDescend on foot. From the ledge of the last pitch traverse left (west) and then continue scrambling down south along the eash path (scree and some sections equipped with bolts).
GearTake plenty of cords for the numerous threads, mid and large Friends for the first pitch