Sentiero Viel del Pan - Padon - Sass Cappello

Sentiero Viel del Pan
Francesco Tremolada, Mountain Guide
From Portavescovo to Passo Pordoi circa 3 hours
From July to September (check the opening of the cable car). Make sure the days are clear and stable to enjoy perfect views onto the Marmolada.
This is a beautiful, easy and consequently highly popular traverse across the southern face of the ridge which leads from Portavescovo all the way to Passo Pordoi. The view onto the surrounding mountains is spectacular and the Marmolada, Gran Vernel and Sella are magnificent.
Getting there
The Sella is surrounded by 4 mountain passes and can be reached from the North, South, East or West. The itineraries start from Passo Campolongo, Arabba and Passo Pordoi which can be reached from Val Badia, Val di Fassa and Livinallongo. Arabba is located centrally and as such is an ideal base for these outings. Access
Take the Portavescovo cable car from Arabba. If the cable car is closed we recommend you start from Passo Pordoi and walk in the opposite direction. Alternatively, start from Lake Fedaia and walk up path No. 601 to Portavescovo. Itinerary
From the cable car at 2500m walk right to path no. 601 which leads downhill past the rocky Belvedere shoulder and continues westwards at altitude, gaining or losing height where the mountain dips into small valleys.
Apart from the magnificent views onto the Marmolada there are some sections where the path almost reaches the ridge: ascend a few meters to reach the col for splendid views onto Sella and the Arabba valley.
The mountain hut Rifugio Viel del Pan 2432m is located at circa halfway and this is ideal for a brief rest. The path then continues at altitude to Baita Fredarola, then descends down to nearby Passo Pordoi by coasting along the eastern face of Sass Becè. Descent
At Passo Pordoi return by car (left there previously). Alternatively, descend to Arabba on foot down the ski piste or return back along Viel del Pan. Gear
Normal hiking gear. Notes
Rifugio Viel del Pan: tel 0462 601720
Rifugio Baita Fredarola: tel 0462 602072
Ufficio Turismo Arabba: tel. 0436 79130
Meteo Arabba: Tel. 0436 755711
Mountain Guides ProGuide: 339 1055653 Maps/Bibliography
Carte 1:25.000: Alta Badia- Arabba- Marmolada (07) Difficulty
Very little height gain or loss since it remains at altitude.
The Sella is surrounded by 4 mountain passes and can be reached from the North, South, East or West. The itineraries start from Passo Campolongo, Arabba and Passo Pordoi which can be reached from Val Badia, Val di Fassa and Livinallongo. Arabba is located centrally and as such is an ideal base for these outings. Access
Take the Portavescovo cable car from Arabba. If the cable car is closed we recommend you start from Passo Pordoi and walk in the opposite direction. Alternatively, start from Lake Fedaia and walk up path No. 601 to Portavescovo. Itinerary
From the cable car at 2500m walk right to path no. 601 which leads downhill past the rocky Belvedere shoulder and continues westwards at altitude, gaining or losing height where the mountain dips into small valleys.
Apart from the magnificent views onto the Marmolada there are some sections where the path almost reaches the ridge: ascend a few meters to reach the col for splendid views onto Sella and the Arabba valley.
The mountain hut Rifugio Viel del Pan 2432m is located at circa halfway and this is ideal for a brief rest. The path then continues at altitude to Baita Fredarola, then descends down to nearby Passo Pordoi by coasting along the eastern face of Sass Becè. Descent
At Passo Pordoi return by car (left there previously). Alternatively, descend to Arabba on foot down the ski piste or return back along Viel del Pan. Gear
Normal hiking gear. Notes
Rifugio Viel del Pan: tel 0462 601720
Rifugio Baita Fredarola: tel 0462 602072
Ufficio Turismo Arabba: tel. 0436 79130
Meteo Arabba: Tel. 0436 755711
Mountain Guides ProGuide: 339 1055653 Maps/Bibliography
Carte 1:25.000: Alta Badia- Arabba- Marmolada (07) Difficulty
Very little height gain or loss since it remains at altitude.
05/08/2007 Davide Saporito
Pens che questo sentiero possa considerarsi uno dei più belli delle Dolomiti: meravigliosi paesaggi, percorso facile a moderata quota, da collegare al percorso geologico dopo Porta Vescovo per raggiungere il 100% della soddisfazione. Peccato per l'eccessivo affollamento stile "passeggiata sul corso" che non pemette di godersi appieno l'estasiante paesaggio.
Francesco Tremolada, Mountain Guide
From Portavescovo to Passo Pordoi circa 3 hours
From July to September (check the opening of the cable car). Make sure the days are clear and stable to enjoy perfect views onto the Marmolada.
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