Giro di Val Fonda

Giro di Val Fonda
Mario Dibona, Mountain Guide
Ascent height difference
Descent height difference
2 - 2,30 hours
The Val Fonda jealously guards what remains of the two small Cristallo and Popena glaciers, some of the last traces of Ice Age forces that enveloped the Dolomites. The area is particularly suited to ski mountaineering and, with its steep gullies that tumble down from the summit crests, ideal for extreme skiing.
Getting there
From Cortina take the SS 51 towards Dobbiaco. After Passo di Cimabanche continue to Carbonin and turn off right for Misurina (SS 48b) to "Ponte de la Marogna" (approx 1.5 Km from Carbonin). Access
Park on the right, close to "Ponte de la Marogna". Itinerary
The imposing north face of Monte Cristallo dominates the view from the car park and the itinerary is fairly obvious: walk easily along the riverbed of Rio Val Fonda to reach some rocks that mark the entrance into a small canyon. This is a beautiful gateway into the “Cirque of the Cristallo”, dominated by its 3221m summit. The walk continues along the river deep into the valley. At times it may prove necessary to cross the river: take care not to get the snowshoes too wet, as this makes snow build up, rendering things much more difficult. After a narrow cleft on the left the path steepens significantly, leading up to a large rocky outcrop. Walk around this and then return to "Ponte de la Marogna" along the right-hand riverbank. Descent
This is a round trip that starts and finishes at "Ponte de la Marogna" (SS 48b). Gear
Normal equipment for winter walking, snowshoes and poles. Difficulty
No obvious danger.
From Cortina take the SS 51 towards Dobbiaco. After Passo di Cimabanche continue to Carbonin and turn off right for Misurina (SS 48b) to "Ponte de la Marogna" (approx 1.5 Km from Carbonin). Access
Park on the right, close to "Ponte de la Marogna". Itinerary
The imposing north face of Monte Cristallo dominates the view from the car park and the itinerary is fairly obvious: walk easily along the riverbed of Rio Val Fonda to reach some rocks that mark the entrance into a small canyon. This is a beautiful gateway into the “Cirque of the Cristallo”, dominated by its 3221m summit. The walk continues along the river deep into the valley. At times it may prove necessary to cross the river: take care not to get the snowshoes too wet, as this makes snow build up, rendering things much more difficult. After a narrow cleft on the left the path steepens significantly, leading up to a large rocky outcrop. Walk around this and then return to "Ponte de la Marogna" along the right-hand riverbank. Descent
This is a round trip that starts and finishes at "Ponte de la Marogna" (SS 48b). Gear
Normal equipment for winter walking, snowshoes and poles. Difficulty
No obvious danger.
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Mario Dibona, Mountain Guide
Ascent height difference
Descent height difference
2 - 2,30 hours
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