Dardara - Tiro Pedabejo

Dardara follows an incredibly beautiful line up perfect, very vertical limestone to the right of Big Bang. The climbing is protected with a mix of bolts and friends, and bolts were only placed where it wasn’t possible to protect ourselves otherwise. The route runs through the central section of this fantastic wall, which has always been admired by mountaineers and climbers for its unique beauty and sheer steepness. We dare say it’s a small jewel of the Picos de Europa, thanks to the direct line and exceptional limestone.
P1: 6b+ (2 bolts 50m), P2: 7c+ (9 bolts 35m), P3: 7c+/8a (6 bolts 30m), P4: 6b+ (4 bolts 30m), P5: 6a+ (2 bolts 50m).
DescentOn foot, but it is also possible to rappel down the entire route.
Gear10 Quickdraws, 1 set of Totems (Friends) up to number #2 and 1 x 0.2, 1 x 0.3 Totem Basic or Alien..
Maps/BibliographyThe most up to date guidebook (in English) is an e-book download from climbpicosdeeuropa.com. Cicerone have a guidebook that has been regularly reprinted, but the content has remained the same since 1989, so it is well worth getting the update! If you are able to read Spanish, then “Cordillera Cantabrica – Escaladas Selectas en Roca” by M.A. Adrados is the best. Even if you don’t speak Spanish, this has some good colour topos, to help you out!
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