Baba Grande

Baba Grande: The final section to the summit of Baba Grande.
Massimo Candolini
Ascent height difference
Descent height difference
Very difficult
Ascent exposition
W, E
Descent exposition
W, E
Located at the end of Val Resia, the highly spectacular Babe peaks close off the entire Canin mountain range to the south. This itinerary ascends the gully between Baba Grande and Slebe, before ascending up the east slopes of Baba Grande to reach its summit. Bivacco Costantini is an ideal base to split the itinerary into two days, so as to render the long approach from Stolvizza less problematic. Time and conditions permitting you can also climb the nearby col Sella di Infrababa Piccola.
Access: from Resiutta drive up Val Resia to Stolvizza
Departure: Stolvizza 573m Itinerary
From Stolvizza follow the road to the bridge which crosses river Resia and then ascends steeply up the opposite side. A long false plateau leads to the hairpin bends and then quickly on to Coritis (1.00 hour). Continue along the road, which now narrows, to cross onto the hydrographic right past beautiful copper beeches and up to a riverbed. Leave the road immediately after this via a steep leftwards ramp (signs for Casera Berdo and Bivacco Costantini del CAI Manzano) up the forest track which, after a hairpin bend, joins with path No. 731 (alternatively follow with path in it's entirety, but this is harder going). Markers on the trees lead the way out of the forest and to the clearing Casera Berdo (1.30 hours). From Casera Berdo coast the forest and enter the Babe gully. Ascend this in the center, up 40° slopes and past the Mulac, where Bivacco Costantini is located. From Passo di Infrababa Grande continue right searching for the easiest route past the steep rocky section to then, via an obvious line, reach the crest to the right of the summit. Ascend this quickly to the top (2.00 hours) Descent
Descend along the line of ascent. The descent to the bivouac is demanding. At circa 1300m remain in the gully past the occasional patches of vegetation, instead of descending to Casera Berdo di Sopra. At 1030m join up with the forest track which leads to the taza mao houses. Continue along this left to a fork which leads to Casera Còot: descend down this to Coritis and Stolvizza. Gear
Normal ski mountaineering equipment Maps/Bibliography
Tabacco foglio 27
Carta del Parco Naturale delle Prealpi Giulie
Access: from Resiutta drive up Val Resia to Stolvizza
Departure: Stolvizza 573m Itinerary
From Stolvizza follow the road to the bridge which crosses river Resia and then ascends steeply up the opposite side. A long false plateau leads to the hairpin bends and then quickly on to Coritis (1.00 hour). Continue along the road, which now narrows, to cross onto the hydrographic right past beautiful copper beeches and up to a riverbed. Leave the road immediately after this via a steep leftwards ramp (signs for Casera Berdo and Bivacco Costantini del CAI Manzano) up the forest track which, after a hairpin bend, joins with path No. 731 (alternatively follow with path in it's entirety, but this is harder going). Markers on the trees lead the way out of the forest and to the clearing Casera Berdo (1.30 hours). From Casera Berdo coast the forest and enter the Babe gully. Ascend this in the center, up 40° slopes and past the Mulac, where Bivacco Costantini is located. From Passo di Infrababa Grande continue right searching for the easiest route past the steep rocky section to then, via an obvious line, reach the crest to the right of the summit. Ascend this quickly to the top (2.00 hours) Descent
Descend along the line of ascent. The descent to the bivouac is demanding. At circa 1300m remain in the gully past the occasional patches of vegetation, instead of descending to Casera Berdo di Sopra. At 1030m join up with the forest track which leads to the taza mao houses. Continue along this left to a fork which leads to Casera Còot: descend down this to Coritis and Stolvizza. Gear
Normal ski mountaineering equipment Maps/Bibliography
Tabacco foglio 27
Carta del Parco Naturale delle Prealpi Giulie
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Massimo Candolini
Ascent height difference
Descent height difference
Very difficult
Ascent exposition
W, E
Descent exposition
W, E
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