2 News found

You searched for: passo della presolana
Luca Bana frees Extrasistole galoppante 9a at Cornalba, Italy
31/12/2021 - Climbing
Luca Bana frees Extrasistole galoppante 9a at Cornalba, Italy
The report by 23-year-old Italian climber Luca Bana who on 26/12/2021 made the first ascent of Extrasistole galoppante 9a at the historic crag Cornalba in Val Seriana above Bergamo, Italy.
Stefano Carnati makes his Moon Landing 9a at Passo della Presolana
29/07/2020 - Climbing
Stefano Carnati makes his Moon Landing 9a at passo della presolana
At passo della presolana in Northern Italy Stefano Carnati has made the first free ascent of Moon Landing 9a.

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Ever since its market launch, the Barryvox avalanche transceiver has been among the most reliable transceivers in the world.
Scott skis, light enough for ski touring, and shaped for freeride skiing.
Urban boot ideal for all weather conditions
Lightweight steel 10 point crampons for classic mountaineering.
Freeride and skitouring backpack equipped with 2 safety devices in case of avalanche: Alpride E2 Airbag System and RECCO Reflector
Technical footwear for high altitude mountaineering and ice climbing.
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