The Arco Rock Legends 2012 videos

The videos screened during Arco Rock Legends 2012 with Stefan Glowacz, winner of the  Climbing Ambassador by Aquafil 2012, Sasha DiGiulian (winner of the Salewa Rock Award), Iker Pou, Adam Ondra, Dave Graham and Daniel Woods, Anna Stöhr (winner of the La Sportiva Competition Award), Kilian Fischhuber, Jacob Schubert.
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Arco Rock Legends 2012: Anna Stöhr & Kay Rush
Giulio Malfer
The 7th edition of the Arco Rock Legends 2012 was held on 31 August at the Arco Casinò, organised by the association Arrampicata Sportiva Arco during the week-long Rock Master Festival and presented during the special and classic evening celebration by Kay Rush. The Climbing Ambassador by Aquafil prize was awarded to Stefan Glowacz "For having inspired the climbing world with visions which unite the values of sport with exploration. " The Salewa Rock Award which goes to performances on rock (single pitch and bouldering) was awarded by an international jury comprised of 20 magazines to Sasha DiGiulian " For her ability to push the borders of sport climbing, demonstrating once again the importance of dreams of distant horizons in order to experience the future."The same jury – for the category last season’s sport climbing competitions – handed the La Sportiva Competition Award ad Anna Stöhr " For the strength, passion and joy she manages to express in every competition. An example for everyone, not just for her absolute results but also for her style." Iker Pou, Adam Ondra, Dave Graham and Daniel Woods were also in the running for the Salewa Rock Award, while Kilian Fischhuber and Jacob Schubert were the other two nominees for the La Sportiva Competition Award.

Here are the videos of these climbers screened during the evening celebration.

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