Melloblocco 2016: a story that goes back a long way

Preparations are in full swing for the 13th edition of world’s biggest bouldering and rock climbing meeting, scheduled to take place from 5 to 8 May up in Italy’s Val di Mello. Tackling superstition head on, we’ve decided to look back into the past, to the origins of this splendid Val Masino adventure when no one, probably, would have hedged their bets on an event that in Europe seemed so innovative and different. As is always the case, the event owes its success to many, but if one wants to delve into the history, soul and essence of Melloblocco, one has to go no further that speak to those who historically have helped the organisation, namely Michele Comi, Nicola Noè and Stefano Scetti.
Michele Comi. "On the eve of the thirteenth edition we can say that we’ve helped people experience the Val Masino granite and the Val di Mello Nature Reserve. The act of climbing awakens a happy state of mind, and is in itself an experience that changes us, making us more aware of the passing of time, rather than giving in to the hustle and bustle that governs daily life. Rock climbing, just like walking, involves enjoying life physically: climbing can be a great excuse to get back in touch with our inner selves. Melloblocco does nothing more than provide the opportunity for encounters and make conversations, while pleasantly enjoying time as it slowly ticks away, while being free to climb, stop or continue. It’s a way of celebrating, with utmost simplicity, the joy of climbing in an enchanting setting.“
Nicola Noè. "I first encountered Melloblocco in it’s embryonic stage at Rock Master 2003. At the time it was unclear how this project might evolve, but the founding principles were right there: an informal meeting and not a competition, immersed in nature, with a minimal environmental impact. This has led us, one year after the next, from 500 participants in 2004 to having thousands of climbers take part in the last editions. How has Melloblocco evolved? It’s become an event that attracts younger and younger climbers, not necessarily the strongest, but who all share the same love for climbing, in nature, being with other like- minded people, and meeting their own personal heroes in this informal setting."
Stefano Scetti. "This will be the 10th time I help organize Melloblocco, and during these years I’ve got to know a whole new world, full of young people from all parts of the globe, who share the same "vertical" love. I cannot call myself climber, but I’ve discovered a strong bond that unites me with the participants: the desire to be outdoors with friends, a respect for nature, rediscovering the simplicity of an environment that is fairly untouched by man, being content with what this offers us without continually asking for more. This is the true wealth that everyone is searching for nowadays. As to Val Masino, I’ve noticed a great change in how the local people perceive the event. Thirteen years ago we were peacefully invaded by a strange mass of individuals with a mattress on their backs and we didn’t understand what they were up to, nowadays we feel it’s our event and we do everything we can to welcome our guests as best possible."
13th Melloblocco 5 - 8 May 2016 Val Masino - Val di Mello (SO)
To register:
17/02/2016 - Melloblocco 2016 and the hormonal bouldering storms
20/01/2016 - Melloblocco 2016 - register now for the legendary bouldering meeting in Val di Mello - Val Masino
2015 - Melloblocco 2015 - The grand finale and free bouldering spirit
2014 - Melloblocco 2014 - day four, a final of climbing and beauty
2013 - Melloblocco 2013: day ten, goodbye to the Valley
2012 - Melloblocco, a passionate battle
2011 - Melloblocco 2011 and the great bouldering tribe
2010 - Melloblocco 2010
2009 - Melloblocco #6 and the treasure map
2008 - Melloblocco... bouldering galore!
2007 - Miracle Melloblocco
2006 - Melloblocco 2006, all the stories from the Val di Mello
2005 - A thousand and one Mellobloccos
2004 - Melloblocco: a great success!