Become a bone marrow donor at Melloblocco
How? The Lombardy ADMO section, in collaboration with the San Raffaele hospital, will provide fifty kits to tissue type your saliva; this is simple, innovative and effective method. A medical staff and volunteers will be at hand on Saturday 4 May to provide all the information you need and then guide you through the simple test, which consists in leaving a sample of saliva. All that's needed is some spit!
Why? We could talk about this for hours... but basically because, now more than ever, becoming potential bone marrow donors is important, beautiful, simple and safe. After you tissue has been typed, you become part of a global register (which is now composed of about twenty million people). All those waiting for a transplant make use of this register and you might be their only hope for a cure and therefore survival!
Being a potential bone marrow donors enhances the life quality of others, of those who lay their trust and hopes in you, but it also enhances your own life. Living with the daily awareness that we are someone's hope... makes us live better, too...
Many people have done (literally!) the impossible to make this Melloblocco tissue typing possible, and this is a unique occasion. Dedicate an hour on Saturday 4 May and do a beautiful act of civil duty. This year only fifty of you can do this and it'll be a great present for them, for all those hoping in a bone marrow transplant, for the cause and for the climbing world!
See you in Val di Mello, you'll easily find our two stands ADMO and CLIMB FOR LIFE. Saturday, May 4th! This time... it's important!
Pietro Dal Pra and Giovanni Spitale
PS: if you want to find out more check and
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Become a bone marrow donor at Melloblocco
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