Arco Rock Legends 2016 Awards Ceremony videos

The videos of the eleventh edition of Arco Rock Legends that took place on Friday 26/08/2016. The climbers for the Wild Country Rock Award are Daniel Andrada (winner), Jakob Schubert and Laura Rogora while the climbers in the La Sportiva Competition Award are Mina Markovič (winner), Janja Garnbret and Adam Ondra.
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Arco Rock Legends 2016: Adam Ondra, Daniel Andrada, Laura Rogora, Jakob Schubert, Janja Garnbret, Mina Markovic
Giulio Malfer

The award ceremony videos of the eleventh edition of Arco Rock Legends

Arco Rock Legends - Wild Country Rock Award 2016 

Arco Rock Legends - La Sportiva Competition Award 2016

Concept Editing: Vinicio Stefanello ( – Mountain Network srl) / Francesco Mansutti (Studio Due).
Production: ASD Arrampicata Sportiva Arco.

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Crag climbing backpack with top and back panel easy access to the main compartment and lots of cool features.
Leather approach shoes designed to guarantee maximum stability and grip even on the roughest terrain.
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