Arco Rock Legends 2014, the Awards Ceremony videos

The videos of the ninth edition of Arco Rock Legends that took place on Friday 29/08/2014. The climbers for the La Sportiva Competition Award Urko Carmona Barandiaran (winner), Sachi Amma and Dmitrii Sharafutdinov, while the climbers in the Salewa Rock Award are Muriel Sarkany (winner), Alexander Megos and Adam Ondra. The third clip is dedicated to Mauro Corona who received the Climbing Ambassador by Aquafil prize.
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Arco Rock Legends 2014, Mauro Corona
Giulio Malfer
The award ceremony videos of the ninth edition of Arco Rock Legends
Concept Editing: Vinicio Stefanello ( – Mountain Network srl) / Francesco Mansutti (Studio Due).
Production: ASD Arrampicata Sportiva Arco.

Climbing Ambassador by Aquafil

Salewa Rock Award

La Sportiva Competition Award

Motivation Climbing Ambassador by Aquafil 2014 - Mauro Corona
"For his passion and the visions he managed to donate to the climbing world, bringing it to the attention of the larger world of art and culture."

Salewa Rock Award 2014 - Muriel Sarkany
"For the joy, passion and great results achieved on rock, as a natural progression from her great career as competition champion."

La Sportiva Competition Award 2014 - Urko Carmona Barandiaran
"For the spirit, style, strength, and smile with which he deals with competitions and life in general, inspiring everyone to be a better person."


President: Giorgio Balducci (regista RAI)
International magazines: Montana (CZE), Desnivel (ESP), Klettern (GER), UP Climbing (ITA), Montagne 360° (ITA), Meridiani Montagne (ITA), Risk (RUS), Man and Mountain (KOR), Gory (POL), The Circuit (NZ)

Salewa Rock Award
– Josune Bereziartu (2006), Patxi Usobiaga (2007), Adam Ondra (2008), Chris Sharma (2009), Adam Ondra (2010), Adam Ondra (2011), Sasha DiGiulian (2012), Adam Ondra (2013), Muriel Sarkany (2014)
La Sportiva Competition Award – Angela Eiter (2006), David Lama (2007), Maja Vidmar (2008), Kilian Fischhuber (2009), Akiyo Noguchi (2010), Ramon Julien Puigblanque (2011), Anna Stöhr (2012), Mina Markovic (2013), Urko Carmona Barandiaran (2014)

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Y-shaped via ferrata set made with 20 mm elastic webbing and Tango double gate safety connectors.
Comfortable and fully adjustable harness for gym and outdoor climbing
A compact, light and multi-purpose quickdraw for mountaineering and sport climbing.
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Ultra-light 18L hiking backpack
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