A thought for Alex Zanardi
For more than 72 hours Alex Zanardi has been resisting. For more than 3 days everyone, from all over the world, have been sparing a thought for him. The Italian currently is facing an immense test, yet another one. Words fail to describe what his loved ones are going through, how much they are suffering. In the meantime, his Obiettivo 3 teammates, with broken hearts and endless courage, are continuing the relay race across Italy, by bicycle, handbike and Olympic wheelchair; the race was something they had envisaged together and which Zanardi had cared so much about. It should have signalled - and now does so even more - a new start, a sign of resistance and hope. Proof, once again, that if they can do it, then we all can, no one excluded, no excuses. What one forgets though, what one doesn’t take into account, is that they are truly special. That they are masters of life and its hardships, true warriors with a smile. Because it takes a truly immense power and love to do what they are doing. They are now doing it for Alex. And they are also doing it, in part, for all of us who don’t know how else to help Zanardi, the friend of everyone. That man who is so good, ever smiling and strong, that he has alway seemed to be different, uniquely special, too incredible to not be superman. A man who continues to help and inspire. Hang in there Alex! Let's all resist!
Info: www.obiettivo3.com