Red Bull X-Alps 2013 and the Italian athletes: Aaron Durogati

When and why did you begin paragliding?
In 200, when I was 15 years old. I started flying because my father flew and ever since my first tandem flight when I was six years old it had been a dream of mine.
What is your mountaineering experience?
Ski instructor and trainer - FISI Italy license. In winter I do a lot of ski touring to 4,000m in both Italy and Austria.
What is your paragliding experience?
Flying nearly all the places in Alps, free flying and competitions.
What is your adventure racing / endurance sport experience?
Paragliding full time. FIS ski competitions.
What does your typical training week consist of?
2 times per week gym exercise - power training, 2 times per week running, 1 time per week mountainbike, 3 times per week paragliding training + hiking with up to 1000m height difference.
What are your best and worst adventure/flying moments?
The best flying moment is when I succeed in a particular challenge. The worst is when I fail.
What are the sports moments you are most proud of?
When I am better than others, or when I was better than my heroes.
When and how did you first hear about the Red Bull X-Alps?
I've been interested in it ever since my first competitions.
Have you competed in the Red Bull X-Alps before and if so, when?
What appeals to you about the Red Bull X-Alps?
My target is to arrive to Monaco.
What will be your strategy during the race?
Try to fly as much as possible and make the right decisions at theright moment.
On average, over a third of the Red Bull X-Alps participants fail to finish the event. Why do you think you will make it?
I think I am good, I have plenty of paragliding experience, especially in the Alps, because I live there and fly on every occasion. I have been training for over two years to be on form.
What scares you the most about the event?
I am not scared, I respect it, but I am not afraid.
Have you ever done anything of this magnitude before?
I take part in PWC competitions, where you can learn a lot from the other pilots. I tried a 180 km, three day bivy flight.
Courtesy Red Bull X-Alps 2013
Aaron Durogati (Team ITA1) training for Redbull XAlps 2013
Nationality: Italy
Date of birth: 06. Jun. 1986
City: Merano
Country: Italy
Profession: paragliding instructor-test pilot, ski trainer
Personal Website:
2012 1st World Cup Superfinal Colombia
2009 4th PWC Korea
2009 1st Pre PWC Portugal
2009 4th PWC Super final
2009 1st Korean Championship
2008 5th Italian Championship
05/06/2013 - Red Bull X-Alps 2013: a luglio si vola!