Melloclip, the Melloblocco videos

A first selection of video clips of the 10th Melloblocco 2013 which took place in Val Masino – Val di Mello from 26 Aprilto 5 May.

When: 26 April - 5 May 2013
Where: Val di Mello / Val Masino (Valtellina, Sondrio, Italy)
What: the world's biggest bouldering meeting
Who: for all those who love bouldering, from across the globe
What for: climb the numerous boulders and valley rock faces
Organisation: Associazione Operatori Val Masino

Expo La Sportiva
Expo C.A.M.P. - Cassin
Expo Grivel
Expo Wild Climb
Expo The North Face
Comune di Val Masino

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Expo / Products
The most versatile No-Edge® climbing shoe of the whole La Sportiva range.
A compact, light and multi-purpose quickdraw for mountaineering and sport climbing.
Comfortable and fully adjustable harness for gym and outdoor climbing
Versatile and sturdy men’s mountaineering boots
Y-shaped via ferrata set made with 20 mm elastic webbing and Tango double gate safety connectors.
Lightweight, adjustable and packable SCOTT Explorair Light Windbreaker jacket.
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