Adam Ondra and Jain Kim Lead World Champions!
A fairy tale ending: Adam Ondra isn't merely Bouldering World Champion, as of this evening he is also Lead World Champion! The 21-year-old has just won the only title missing from his impressive list of wins – that includes the Lead World Cup and the Bouldering World Cup – and he has done so only a few weeks after having won the Bouldering World Championship at Munich. A double which has no equals in the history of this sport and which proves once again the absolute completeness of this extraordinary athlete.
Ondra shared victory with an amazing Jain Kim; the South Korean was gunning for the only title missing from her repertoire and after 21 World Cup victories, tonight the 26-year-old made the climb of her life, controlling every move to produce the only top of the finals. She received a standing ovation from the roaring crowd, as did all the other athletes in the competition, starting with local matador Ramon Julien Puigblanque who seemed destined to win: he reached the same hold as Ondra, apparently completely fresh and ready to tackle the final 3 moves to the top, then his foot suddenly slipped. The Spaniard, winner of two World Championship titles, won silver tonight, while Japan's Sachi Amma won bronze. In the women's event Mina Markovic powered her way upwards to win silver, while young Austrian Magdalena Röck won bronze.
IFSC Climbing World Championship (L, S) - Gijon (ESP) 2014
1 Adam Ondra CZE 45+
2 Ramón Julian Puigblanque ESP 45
3 Sachi Amma JPN 42+
4 Domen Skofic SLO 42+
5 Jakob Schubert AUT 40+
6 Sean Mccoll CAN 40+
7 Romain Desgranges FRA 29
8 Gautier Supper FRA 24+
9 Manuel Romain FRA
10 Stefano Ghisolfi ITA
11 Magnus Midtboe NOR
12 Francesco Vettorata ITA
13 Hyunbin Min KOR
14 Urban Primozic SLO
15 Mario Lechner AUT
16 Sebastian Halenke GER
17 Mikhail Chernikov RUS
18 Sergey Terentyev RUS
19 Fedir Samoilov UKR
20 Marcello Bombardi ITA
21 Jihwan Park KOR
22 Valeriy Kryukov UKR
23 Christoph Hanke GER
24 Lukas Köb AUT
25 Keiichiro Korenaga JPN
26 Dmitrii Fakirianov RUS
27 Thomas Tauporn GER
28 Naoki Shimatani JPN
29 Elan Jonasmcrae CAN
30 Jan Hojer GER
31 Thomas Ballet FRA
32 Javier Cano Blazquez ESP
33 David Barrans GBR
34 Max Rudigier AUT
35 Kaya Otaka JPN
36 Mikhail Kochetkov RUS
37 Alban Levier FRA
38 Marco Antonio Jubes Angarita ESP
39 Anton Mardashov UKR
40 Brad Weaver USA
41 Victor Esteller Ocaña ESP
42 Davoud Rekabi IRI
43 André Neres POR
43 Haibin Qu CHN
45 Evgenii Zazulin RUS
46 Tomas Binter CZE
47 Arman Ter-Minasyan RUS
48 Josh Larson USA
49 Tomas Ravanal CHI
50 Rishat Khaibullin KAZ
51 Esteban Eguez ECU
52 Zida Ma CHN
53 Juan Sebastian Arboleda Henao COL
54 Santiago De Alba Flores MEX
55 Yiftach Kushnir ISR
56 Or Wechsler ISR
57 Martin Jech CZE
58 Iñaki Arantzamendi Irueta ESP
58 Connor Byrne GBR
58 Jan Jeliga CZE
61 Samuel Fernandez COL
62 Joseph Gifford USA
63 Daniel Rodenko ISR
64 Anghelo Bernal COL
64 John Brosler USA
64 Sebastian Prieto Perilla COL
67 Cesar Orjuela COL
68 Luke Dawson GBR
69 Sébastien Berthe BEL
70 Leonardo De Rivero Huaman PER
70 Shivalinga M Mahadeva K IND
72 Gregory Raymond Borman RSA
73 Recep Gür TUR
74 Niraj Karki NEP
1 Jain Kim KOR Top
2 Mina Markovic SLO 47+
3 Magdalena Röck AUT 47+
4 Hélène Janicot FRA 44+
5 Maja Vidmar SLO 36
6 Anak Verhoeven BEL 35+
7 Yuka Kobayashi JPN 35+
8 Charlotte Durif FRA 35
9 Akiyo Noguchi JPN
10 Evgeniia Malamid RUS
11 Salomé Romain FRA
12 Matilda Söderlund SWE
13 Rebekka Stotz SUI
14 Jenny Lavarda ITA
15 Petra Klingler SUI
16 Delaney Miller USA
17 Christine Schranz AUT
18 Katharina Posch AUT
19 Yana Chereshneva RUS
19 Nikki Van Bergen NED
21 Risa Ota JPN
22 Carolina Rosero ECU
23 Iva Vejmolova CZE
24 Barbara Bacher AUT
25 Ievgeniia Kazbekova UKR
26 Dinara Fakhritdinova RUS
27 Lamu Renqing CHN
28 Netta Fredman ISR
29 Galina Terenteva RUS
30 Tina Johnsen Hafsaas NOR
31 Elnaz Rekabi IRI
32 Dana Gilemkhanova RUS
33 Irati Anda Villanueva ESP
34 Edita Vopatova CZE
35 Katherine Choong SUI
36 Eliska Vlckova CZE
37 Irina Kuzmenko RUS
38 Marta Palou Carol ESP
39 Rong Jiang CHN
40 Marcela Avellaneda COL
41 Puntarika Tunyavanich THA
42 Zuriñe Arrue Tobar ESP
43 Tamara Ulzhabayeva KAZ
44 Janine Cardoso BRA
45 Andrea Rojas ECU
46 Flor De Luna Pazan COL
47 Ayşe Narmanli TUR
48 Carolina Alfonso COL
49 Asuhan Selin Ünlü TUR
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