Watch: New King Lines at Cresciano

Watch the first ascent of Crystal Ship 8C and more: Giuliano Cameroni, Daisuke Ichimiya, Clément Lechaptois, Marine Thevenet and Diego Cameroni climb new boulder problems at Cresciano in Switzerland.
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Giuliano Cameroni making the first ascent of Crystal Ship 8C at Cresciano
archivio Giuliano Cameroni

At the start of January at Cresciano the "crew" comprised of Giuliano Cameroni, Daisuke Ichimiya, Clément Lechaptois, Marine Thevenet and Diego Cameroni tried to  climb an infamous project and some of the nicest new lines of the area. As reported, this resulted in the first ascent of Crystal Ship 8C at the hands of Cameroni, while Lechaptois checked in with the second ascent two days later.

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