Stefania Daniele So Sexi 8a

On17/12 Stefania Daniele repeated So Sexi 8a at the Gabbio (Ferentillo).
Stefania Daniele, boldering, Soriano

Christmas comes early for some. Two weeks ago the Roman climber Stefania Daniele repeated “So Sexi”, Ferentillo´s 8a par excellance. After three weeks of effort she sent the route in perfect winter conditions: clear blue skies, nigh on no wind and - 2 C°.

Three days later the architect repeated the slabby “Via tutta mia” 7c at Norma (LT), before driving south the the incredibly overhanging Grotta dell’Areonauta at Sperlonga where she sent “A volte si staccano” 7c+.

Stefania Daniele and Mandela superstar 8a at Ferentillo
Stefania Daniele and La danza dei cavalieri 8a+ at Sperlonga

Photo: Stefania Daniele bouldering at Soriano.

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