Seb Bouin repeats Lapsus at Andonno in Italy

French climber Sébastien Bouin has repeated Lapsus at Andonno in North-East Italy. First ascended by Stefano Ghisolfi in 2015, the route shot to fame as the country's first 9b, and has been repeated by Adam Ondra, Marcello Bombardi, Jonathan Siegrist and Giorgio Tomatis.
Bouin stated after his ascent "Lapsus was the first 9b proposal in Italy and when I first heard about this route, I was definitely psyched to try it one day. Lapsus is actually the link-up of two historical routes at the crag. It starts up "Noia", the first Italian 8c+, and finishes on the hard part of "Anaconda" 8b+. There are some hard moves in between to connect both of these routes and it makes for a really cool endurance route, on this blue and orange rock!
Regarding the grade, Stefano originally proposed 9b, yet I tend to agree with subsequent ascensionists, and think the route a bit easy for that grade, but it’s 100% my climbing style. I would give it a personal grade of 9a+".