New rock climb in Val Adamé by Tomasoni and Bariani

Coster's climbing history is fairly recent: the first routes were climbed in the nineties and all routes have been forged with a modern approach, resulting in well-bolted routes and guaranteed fun.
This is one of the few alpine climbing areas in Lombardy that can be reached in a day without an excessive approach as only two hours are needed to reach the base. Alternatively, spend the night at Rifugio Baita Adamé; run by volunteers they will certainly succeed in tempting you with their mouth-watering dishes.
Mille Splendidi Soli - A thousand splendid suns - ascends the SSE Face Coster di Destra di Cima Poia. Established ground-up, it breaches a series of slabs up excellent granite. The starting slabs and corners lead to the central slabs, from where elegant and easy climbing lead to the finishing corner.
We'd like to thank the volunteers at Baita Adamé who helped us with their logistical support. And our friend Roby for having kindly provided us with the gear.
by Gianni Tomasoni
TOPO: Mille Splendidi Soli, Coster di Cima Poia, Val Adamé