Klaas Willems: Still Alive

Watch the award-winning documentary Still Alive featuring Klaas Willems, the hugely talented Belgian rock climber diagnosed with both cystic fibrosis and cancer, who has dedicated his life to climbing in clean air

“My whole life has been a fight. Doctors didn't think I had a good chance of growing old. Dealing with cystic fibrosis, cancer, and my own mind… growing up, I never felt like I was where I needed to be. With climbing, I found my escape from the negative downward spiral."

Klaas Willems is a hugely talented Belgian rock climber who at birth was diagnosed with the hereditary lung disease Cystic Fibrosis. Despite all his struggles and setbacks, both physical and mental, Willems has constantly pushed his limits, "ignored the negative voices in my head" and always refused to give up.

Climbing and new routing became his path to solace and survival, in particular in non-polluted areas like Ulassai in Sardinia where he chose to lay his roots. This is his inspiring story in the award-winning documentary Still Alive directed by Santino Martirano.

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