Domen Skofic climbs 9a+, Mina Markovic and Klemen Becan clinch 8c+ at Oliana

When things are on a roll they're hard to stop and this explains why Markovic, after her repeat of Fish Eye 8c, yesterday also clipped the anchors of Mind Control, another beautiful stamina fest deemed 8c+ by most of those who have repeated it. Markovic needed just 3 attempts in 2 days, a result which she herself describes as "…a real surprise. I absolutely didn't expect to send it that quickly." Further confirmation of the Slovenian onslaught can be found in another two ascents of Mind Control yesterday, by Klemen Bečan (third go) and the startling flash ascent by Škofic who instead of resting that day, gave in to temptation and let himself be “guided” by his teammates... Until now this route has been onsighted by Adam Ondra and flashed once, by Silvio Reffo.