Andrea Chelleris 8b+ onsight and 9a+ redpoint at Villanueva del Rosario in Spain

Andrea Chelleris has practically swept the board at Villanueva del Rosario in Spain where the 15-year-old Italian amassed a truly impressive list of hard climbs. Equally at home on rock as on skis, Chelleris managed to send about fifteen routes above 8b, including an onsight of the 8b+ Mundo feliz and the redpoint of the 9a+ Mangarbo natural .
This is Chelleris' first 8b+ onsight, completed in the nick of time on his last day before returning to Italy, and also his first 9a+ redpoint. After laying the groundwork with six 9a's - the first one at a mere 12 years of age - Chelleris has now moved on the to the next level. Astonishing.
MDMDA 8a/a+ onsight
Golpe de Calor 8a+ onsight
La chispas R1 8a+ onsight
La poten 8b onsight
Bushido 8b 2nd go
Rainbow 8b+
La planta de shiva R1 8c 4 tentativi
Mandanga 8c/c+ 5 tentativi
El bushido de shiva 8c+
Rainbow the shiva natural 8c+
Mandanga total 9a
Mangarbo natural 9a+
Mundo feliz 8b+ onsight
Queimada 8b+
Mundo feliz 8b+ onsight
Queimada 8b+ primo tentativo (riposo in comune con altre vie)
Punta tacon 8a+ onsight
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