Watch Alex Honnold free solo Rivières Pourpres in Taghia, Morocco, before El Capitan free solo

The documentary of Alex Honnold climbing in Taghia, Morocco, prior to his ground-breaking free solo of Freerider on El Capitan in Yosemite. During his 3-weel stay with Tommy Caldwell, Honnold completed a free solo ascent of the technical 'Rivières Pourpres' (7b+, 500m).

Nine months before his ground-breaking free solo of Freerider on El Capitan in Yosemite in 2017, Alex Honnold travelled to Morocco in order to prepare physically and above all mentally for his monumental climb. His 3-week training trip in the Taghia Gorge with Tommy Caldwell included a triple link-up of the technical multipitches Babel (7c+, 800m), L'axe du Mal (7c+, 500m) and Rivières Pourpres (7b+, 500m), as well as a free solo of Rivières Pourpres. The enire outing was documented by Jimmy Chin and has been released in the National Geographic series Edge of the Unknown.

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