Adam Ondra live streaming of the Silence premiere at Riva del Garda

The tickets sold out like wild fire, and expectations are understandably high for what promises to be a unique evening at Riva del Garda: Adam Ondra and the world premiere of Silence, the film directed by photographer and film director Bernardo Giménez that documents the efforts that resulted in the world’s most difficult sports climb. To the world’s first 9c, freed last autumn by the then 24-year-old climber from the Czech Republic.
This evening the Garda Trentino will premiere the film but, above all, will examine the road that has enabled Ondra to continually raise the bar over the last decade.The Czech climber will be accompanied on stage by a legend of the early days of sport climbing, namely British climber Jerry Moffatt who, with his verve and his "veni, vidi, vici" approach, literally conquered the vertical world in the late ‘80s and early 90s.
Things kick off at 21:00. For those who can’t be there, the excellent news is that the evening will be streamed live on YouTube. Just reload this page at nine o'clock to see Ondra and Moffatt talking about climbing past, present, and also future. And watch the first screening of the film Silence, that documents the world’s first 9c starring the "wonder" Ondra.
Streaming: The event will be transmitted in live streaming. The film will then be made available on Youtube
The Film (directed by Bernardo Giménez - 17 minutes)
What does it take to climb the world’s first 9c? Silence shows what preceded the afternoon of September 3, 2017 when Adam Ondra added an important chapter to climbing history with his first ascent of his huge project in the spectacular Hanshelleren Cave in Norway. The route, later named Silence, received a new grade of 9c and became the hardest route in the world.
The players:
Adam Ondra (born in Brno, Czech Republic on 5/02/1993). Ondra is the climber who has changed the face of rock climbing, breaking a record number of grade barriers on all types of terrain. As a youngster he demonstrated his innate and amazing skills for climbing, and aged 10 he climbed his first 8a onsight. In competitions he has won the Lead World Championship twice, and the Boulder World Championship once. On rock he has bouldered up to 8C+ on various occasion, reaching therefore the absolute limit in bouldering, while on sports climbs in 2012 he became the first to break into the realm of 9b+. Five years later he achieved the unthinkable goal of freeing the world’s first 9c. Not one to rest on his laurels, a few days ago he made the world’s first 9a+ flash. No one has ever climbed a route this difficult on their first attempt. No one has ever climbed so many cutting-edge lines (single pitches, multi-pitches and boulders). And nobody represents the present and the future of climbing, and is a source of inspiration for all climbers, like him.
Jerry Moffatt (born in Londra, GB on 18/03/1963). Moffatt is one of the world’s true climbing legends. having lived through the early days of sport climbing between the 1980’s and 1990’s, Moffatt was recognised as one of the best climbers in the world. One of the first-ever pro’s, Moffatt the ‘dominator’ excelled in various disciplines and his boulder problems in America, his difficult sport climbs in Germany and in Great Britain and his dangerous trad climbs are all legendary. As are The Face in Frankenjura, considered the world’s first 8a+ and also Liquid Ambar in Wales, one of the world’s first 8c+. Even today, Moffatt’s climbs are a hallmark for quality and extreme difficulty.
Garda Trentino. The Garda Trentino region is an immense and splendid open-air gym, an essential destination for all outdoor enthusiasts. Sports climbing stands out, and the area is been recognised internationally as the "Home of Climbing". Quite rightly so, as the white limestone walls set between the the deep blue lake, the sky and the green olive trees make this a promised land for climbing. It is no coincidence that in the '80s these walls witness the birth of sport climbing. Since then the Garda Trentino has been a prime destination for climbers all over the world and proof comes from the Arco Rock Master, the oldest and most noble climbing competition and festival. This