6.4 seconds for Matthias Trottmann

Matthias Trottmann from Switzerland reports about the first free ascent of "6.4 Sekunden", his 7 pitch 8b/b+ (7c+ obligatory ) located on the Fürenwand, Engelberg, Switzerland.
Matthias Trottmann from Switzerland reports about the first free ascent of "6.4 Sekunden", his 7 pitch 8b/b+ (7c+ obligatory) located on the Fürenwand, Engelberg, Switzerland. Trottmann had established the route in 2005 and as early as January he started working the line, at times well-beneath the hanging icicles.

Trottmann describes the route as being "powerfull-crimpy-slopy-tricky-sometimes holey- it has everything that makes your heart beats fast!" On 29 June he sent the route in a single push, without ever falling. For those interested, the name refers to the time it would take to free-fall the 200m from the top hold...

6.4 seconds
Fürenwand, Engelberg
M. Trottmann 2005
F.F.A.: M. Trottmann 29/06/2006
Grade: 8b/b+ (7c+ obligatory )
Pitches: 6c, 8b/b+, 8a+, 8a, 8a, 7c+, 7b
Length: 170m
Gear: 2 x 60m ropes, 15 quickdraws
Season: February to October

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Trottmann 6.4 Sekunden
photo: Matthias Trottmann on "6.4 Sekunden", 8b/b+ (7c+ obligatory ) Fürenwand, Engelberg, Switzerland

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