La Sportiva 90th anniversary book wins best corporate monographs 2018

The book 'La Sportiva 90th, a history of alpinism, passion, innovation' has won the 2018 OMI award for the best corporate monograph went to La Sportiva for its innovative approach and storytelling capacity.
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Lorenzo Delladio of La Sportiva with the award-winning book 'La Sportiva 90th, a history of alpinism, passion, innovation'
La Sportiva

The 2018 OMI award for the best corporate monograph went to La Sportiva, the outdoor footwear and clothing company from Trentino that celebrates its 90th anniversary this year. On the winning podium of the award, organized by the Corporate Monograph Observatory based at the University of Verona witha partner office at the Department of Communication and Social Research at the Sapienza in Rome, now in its fourth edition, there was also Assicurazioni Generali, with the work entitled “Generali through History”, and the window manufacturer Velux Italia, with the volume based on the company’s 40th anniversary.

Among the 57 monographs participating in the competition, six special mentions went to TIM, for the best creative approach, to Matteo Scorsini Design (for the work created for Lago Group) for Graphic Design, to Mion Spa for the best Productive solutions, to Azienda Agricola Ca’ Rugate for the best company biography, to Gelateria Pampanin in Verona for the best enhancement of the Human Factor and finally to Successori Reda Spa for the best valorisation of the Company Heritage.

La Sportiva distinguished itself in particular, for the creative approach to the theme of corporate heritage, by proposing a modern and captivating storytelling conceived to narrate the history of the company to a wide audience who are able to enter into the various stories and anecdotes with simplicity and curiosity thanks to a choral work that has involved different important names from the world of climbing. In the 192 pages we find tales from mountaineers like Reinhold Messner, Alex Honnold, athletes like Manolo, Anton Krupicka and Michele Boscacci but also past and present company employees, the first researchers, the Delladio family who are still leading the company 90 years after is foundation in 1928, and professional story tellers like Emilio Previtali, editor of publication for the Piedmontese publisher Mulatero Editore. La Sportiva’s award winning piece is also part of a larger storytelling project that sees its digital declination, integrating writings, mountaineering images of profound historical and culture value, and videos that talk about some significant episodes of the history of a company that has contributed to the evolution of climbing, the mountaineering sector and life in the mountains in general. For the digital version see:

The awards and special mentions will be presented in an event open to the public on the 17th October 2018, at the Univerisity of Verona, that houses the association headquarters and archives. The award ceremony will be followed by a round table of the theme of heritage marketing or the enhancement of company heritage, included by the Ministery of Cultural Heritage in the initiative, “European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018”, promoted by the European Union.

The Coporate Monograph Observatory (OMI), with main office in the Department of Culture and Civilization at the University of Verona and partner office at the Department of Communication and Social Research at the Sapienza, University in Rome, aims to spread the culture of business communication through the enhancement of the corporate monograph, and in general, of corporate heritage tools. It carries out educational and training activities for students, businessmen and communication managers.

The Observatory makes use of numerous academic collaborations, that include the University of Verona, the Salesian University Iusve of Venice, the Department of Communication and Social Research of the Sapienza University in Rome and the Heritage Hub of the University of Hertfordshire (GB).

The 2018 OMI award is sponsored by the Veneto Region and has the support of the organizations: AIMSC- Italian Association of Press and Charter Museums, Assocarta, Assografici, UPA, Ferpi, Assocom, Unicom, Ascai.

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