adidas Rockstars Live

Inizia questa sera ore 20.00 la finale del adidas ROCKSTARS, la gara boulder ad invito con alcuni dei migliori boulderisti del mondo. Dalle 19.30 invece interviste con Reinhold Messner, Dean Potter e Beat Kammerlander. Il tutto in live streaming.
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I vincitori del adidas Rockstars 2011
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Sabato, 11. agosto 2012
12h00 Opening of venue/ KLETTERN adidas rope winding contest
13h00 – 15h10 Semifinal adidas ROCKSTARS
14h00 – 14h30 autograph session with Beat Kammerlander, Alex Luger, Lukas
Irmler and Lutz Eichholz at the adidas booth
14h00 – 15h00 autograph session with Bernd Zangerl, Barbara Zangerl, Mayan
Smith-Gobat at the Five Ten booth
15h10 – 16h00 Shows in the foyer/ KLETTERN adidas rope winding contest
15h45 – 16h00 Presentation of finalists GORE-TEX Be a ROCKSTAR
16h00 – 17h00 Build Your Boulder/ GORE-TEX Be a Rockstar
16h00 – 16h30 autograph session with Katharina Saurwein and Lukas Ennemoser at the adidas booth
16h00 – 17h00 autograph session with Sasha DiGiulian and Dean Potter at the
Five Ten booth
17h00 – 17h30 Beatbox Battle with Robeat/ Dharni/ Camero/ RoxorLoops/ Bee Low
17h30 – 18h10 Final GORE-TEX Be a Rockstar

dalle 18h00 Web livestream

18h15 – 19h15 Myspace concert: The Beth Edges
19h15 – 19h30 Final KLETTERN adidas rope winding contest
19h30 – 19h45 Interviews outdoor celebrities: Reinhold Messner, Dean Potter, Beat Kammerlander
19h45 – 20h00 Intro adidas ROCKSTARS final/ athlete presentation
20h00 – 22h10 adidas ROCKSTARS final featuring Sideburn
22h00 – 22h30 Award ceremony
22h30 – 23h00 Myspace Music Battle: Band vs. Beatboxer vs. DJ
23h00 – 03h00 After party Palm Beach

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