2 News found

You searched for: cantobre
Bike & climb: watch Watch Pablo Recourt search for the most beautiful 8a in France
26/06/2023 - Climbing
Bike & climb: watch Watch Pablo Recourt search for the most beautiful 8a in France
The film 'À la recherche du plus beau 8A de France', featuring Belgian climber Pablo Recourt and his quest to climb the most beautiful 8a's in France. The 24-year-old cycled to the 40 crags over a period of 174 days.
Climbing at Cantobre in France
02/06/2014 - Climbing
Climbing at cantobre in France
Federico Tosi introduces the great crag cantobre in France, with circa 80 routes from 5c to 9a a great alternative to nearby Gorges du Tarn.