Enzo Oddo climbs La Rambla original 9a+ at Siurana

French climber Enzo Oddo has redpointed La Rambla original 9a+ at Siurana, Spain.
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Anna Piunova

After Ramón Julián Puigblanque, Edu Marin Garcia, Chris Sharma, Andreas Bindhammer, Patxi Usobiaga and Adam Ondra, now Enzo Oddo. These are the names of the climbers who have managed to send La Rambla, the 9a+ at Siurana which for many years was considered the hardest route in Spain.

The history of this incredible stamina tespiece is quickly recounted: La Rambla was first ascended by Alexander Huber in 1994 (a year before Oddo was born therefore!) up to a pocket at 3/4 height and extended in 2003 by Ramón Julián Puigblanque to get its 9a+ grade and "La Rambla original" name.

Oddo sent the 45m route yesterday after circa 25 attempts, and his tally of 9a+ is now a clean poker: Biographie in 2010, Aubad Directe at Sainte Victoire this May (featured below) and La moustache qui fâche which he freed at Entraygues a month later.

La Rambla 9a+, Siurana, Spain
First ascent:
Ramón Julián Puigblanque 2003
Repeats: Edu Marín Garcia (11/2006), Chris Sharma (12/2006), Andreas Bindhammer (05/2007) Patxi Usobiaga (11/2007), Adam Ondra (02/2008), Enzo Oddo (12/2011)

Enzo Oddo climbing Aubade 9a+

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