Melloblocco videos 2015

The videos of some of the Melloblocco 2015 climbers: Stefano Ghisolfi, Anthony Gullsten, Nalle Hukkataival, Gabriele Moroni, Adam Ondra, Caroline Sinno, Barbara Zangerl
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Melloblocco 2015: day 3 Nalle Hukkataival on Metodo Iperespresso
OpenCircle / Melloblocco 2015
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Expo / News

Expo / Products
Light and ergonomic single-buckle climbing harness, developed for high-level sport climbing and competitions.
Crag climbing backpack with top and back panel easy access to the main compartment and lots of cool features.
Light climbing helmet with kevlar reinforcements.
Belay device with cam-assisted blocking, optimized for lead climbing
Microfibre sleeping bag with top-of-the-range heat insulation performance and light weight.
Fully adjustable harness with four buckles, ideal for mountaineering, winter climbing and via ferrata.
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